Article I: The Name
- The name of this church shall be “Rice Creek Community Church”, and shall be incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan, United States of America.
Article II: Object
Section 1 – Purpose
- The object of this church shall be to promulgate the Gospel of Jesus Christ; to extend missionary work, to lead souls into the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to cultivate Christian union and fellowship upon the basis of the Word of God; the Word of God, comprising the Old and New Testament, shall constitute our rule of faith and practice.
Section 2 – Autonomy
- This church shall be, and remain, independent. It shall not be now, nor at any time hereafter come under the jurisdiction of any denomination, federation of denominations, or federal council of churches of the denominations.
Article III: Membership
Section 1 – Requirements for Membership
A. Any person obtaining the age of twelve (12) years, who has accepted Christ as personal Savior and giving evidence of the same in a changed heart and life.
B. All candidates not previously baptized shall be baptized by immersion, unless for extenuating physical or health reasons and church board approval.
C. Each person joining the church shall agree to the Doctrinal Statement, By-laws, Covenant, and agree to support it by their conduct.
D. Persons can be received into membership upon confession of faith, restatement of faith or a statement of faith with letter, conditioned upon examination by the Deacons and Pastor, approved by the church board, and by a majority vote of members present at any congregational meeting or regular service.
Section 2 – Duties of Member
A. The duties of members consist of a hearty mutual love and vital cooperative interest in the spiritual and material welfare of the church.
B. A sincere keeping of the means of grace which the Lord as the head of the church has set forth in the Scriptures. 1 Corinthians 10: 28-33; Ephesians 3: 1-21.
C. In particular, it is the duty of each member, if at all possible, to be present for the instruction in God’s Word at the appointed meetings of the church both on the Lord’s Day and on weekdays.
D. It shall be the duty of every member to guard the testimony of this church before non-members by a spoken and unyielding loyalty to fellow members.
Section 3 – Classification of Members
A. Active Members – A member shall be considered as “active” who regularly attends the services of the church; gives evidence of his support of the Statement of Faith; and, who is not under discipline for any cause by the church.
B. Inactive members
- Members who have become inactive for six (6) months will be sent a letter regarding their absence followed by personal calls by the Pastor and/or the Deacons. If there is no response, the member will be placed on the “inactive” list. When the inactive member has been on the list for twelve (12) months, a letter will be sent requesting their desire as to activating their membership. If still no response, their name will be removed from the church membership roll at a congregational meeting.
- An inactive member may be restored to full membership by a majority vote at a congregational meeting upon recommendation from the Deacons.
- An inactive member may not hold any church office or vote in any church business meeting.
- Those on the “inactive list” wishing their name to be retained on the church record must respond annually to the clerk’s notice stating reason acceptable to the Deacons for retaining their name. If no reply is received, the inactive member, at the direction of the Deacons may be notified by the clerk thirty days continued failure to respond shall result in their name being erased from the church roll.
- Deacons may call on any board member for assistance as deemed necessary.
Section 4 -Discipline of Members
A. Personal Offenses – A member of this church shall refer charges of personal nature against another member only after he has previously taken the preliminary steps enjoined by our Lord in Matthew 18:15-17. If, after taking such steps, the aggrieved member concludes it is necessary to bring the case before the church board, he shall do so through the Pastor and deacons; and both parties in the case shall have a hearing before that body who shall report such conclusions and recommendations to the church as they deem best.
B. Heresy and Doctrine – When the Pastor and Deacons learn that a member holds and is propagating heretical ideas, it shall be their duty to contact the member for clarification and if it shall appear that the case requires it they shall proceed in a thorough investigation. They shall send the offending member a written statement of the specific charges and a notice of the time when they wish him to make his defense. If, after such an investigation, the offender is found guilty, they shall proceed with such discipline as is deemed necessary. If the offender fails to accept the discipline brought upon him, he shall be cited to the church for action. All this shall be done in the spirit of Galatians 6:1.
C. Carnality in Conduct – When the Pastor and Deacons learn that a member is living an inconsistent Christian life, they shall proceed as stated above in Article III Section 4b.
Section 5 – Dismissal of Member
A. By Transfer – Upon request of a member, his/her membership may be transferred by letter to any church whose doctrinal stand is approved by the Deacons and Pastor and by a majority vote of the official board. Said letter must be sent directly to the pastor or clerk of said church.
B. By Dismissal of Member – Any member of the church in good standing may at his or her request and recommendation of the Deacons be granted a letter of character to a church of like faith and have their name erased from our membership roll by majority vote at any business session.
C. By Death.
Section 6 – Charter Members
- Members received from November 17, 1963 until December 29, 1963 shall be charter members.
Article IV: Official Board
Section 1 – Members
- The official board is comprised of the Pastor, Deacons, Trustees, Church Clerk, Church Treasurer, and Sunday School Superintendent.
Section 2 – Qualification
A. All officers except Pastor shall have been active members of this church and not less than eighteen years of age.
B. They shall live an exemplary Christian life before the world and the family of God, abstaining from every appearance of evil and worldly habit.
C. Consideration shall be given every nominee for office in the light of Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3.
D. There should also be consideration of talents, gifts and abilities in view of requirements of the various offices.
Section 3 – Responsibilities
A. The official board shall be executive of the congregation in dealing with the Pastor.
B. Official board shall have the supervision over the business transactions and general work of the church and its organizations.
C. The deciding factor in a board meeting will be majority vote of the members present providing 2/3’s or more are present.
D. The official board shall handle and consider suggestions, recommendations and grievances upon the part of any member or organization affiliated with the church.
E. Vacancies – In case of vacancies on the official board, the board shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy for the balance of the fiscal year.
Section 4 – Procedures
A. The official board shall meet on a monthly basis or as deemed necessary.
B. Voting – All voting shall be by “Yea” or “Nay” unless ballot vote is requested by one member.
C. Attendance – If any board member shall absent himself from three consecutive regular board meetings without valid excuse his office may be declared vacant by recommendation of the board.
Section 5 – Expenditure
- The official board shall not spend more than $500.00 on any one item without congregational consent.
Article V: Term and Duties of Officers and Board
Section 1 – Deacons
A. Election and Tenure
- There shall be two Deacons, one elected each year for a term of two years.
- As the church grows, the number of deacons shall increase one Deacon for each fifty people in attendance over one hundred.
B. Duties of the Deacons
- To assist in the administration of the Lord’s Supper and such other spiritual duties as the Word of God assigns.
- They shall be assistants and advisors to the Pastor in the oversight of the church and shall be guardian with him of its spiritual interests.
- The Deacons shall constitute the pulpit and nominating committee, and thus in the absence of the Pastor, shall assume the responsibility for the spiritual activity of the church.
- The Deacons shall consider and prepare for congregational vote all matters of policy, discipline, amendments to the by-laws and constitution and an active and inactive membership list.
- They shall meet with all candidates for church membership and thoroughly examine each one as outlined in Article III Sections 1 and 2.
- In absence of the Pastor and Senior Deacon shall chair the board and congregational meetings.
Section 2 – Trustees
A. Election and Tenure
- There shall be three Trustees, one elected each year for a three year term.
B. Duties of the Trustees
- The Trustees shall have the oversight of the temporal affairs of the church to keep the property in good condition making whatever repairs, alterations, or additions that may be thought necessary; but cannot undertake expenditures without church board approval.
- The Trustees shall make all business contracts for the church and perform such other duties which may be required of them by the laws of the state or by the vote of the church.
- They will represent the church in law, serve its true intents, and keep the church well advised as to its financial and material interests, and prospects.
- It shall be the duty of the Trustees to contact a CPA or Bank to audit the Treasurer’s books.
- Trustees are responsible for counting all offering received at the church and may ask assistance from any board member.
Section 3 – Church Clerk
A. Election and Tenure
- The church Clerk shall be elected for a term of 2 years, but is not eligible for more than 2 full successive terms following the adoption of these by-laws.
B. Duties of the Clerk
- To keep a correct and permanent record of the church.
- Sign all letters of dismission.
- Act as official church correspondent when so directed.
- Maintain a membership register in which shall be noted those changes as may occur.
- Maintain a baptismal register.
- Present annual reports to the church and monthly reports to the official board.
- And, it shall also be the duty of the Clerk to enter upon the records current events in the life of the church which are of historical value.
- To be alternate signature on church financial accounts.
Section 4 – Church Treasurer
A. Election and Tenure
- The Church Treasurer shall be for a term of 2 years but not more than 2 full successive terms following the adoption of these by-laws.
B. Duties of the Treasurer
- To keep a permanent, accurate record of all moneys received and deposited.
- To make disbursements by check.
- To present annual reports to the church as well as a monthly report to the official board.
- To submit to an audit at end of the fiscal year.
Section 5 – Sunday School Superintendent
A. Election and Tenure
- The Sunday School Superintendent shall be elected for a term of one year and may not succeed himself more than 4 consecutive terms following the adoption of these by-laws.
B. Duties of the Superintendent
- The Superintendent shall be charged with the conduct of the Sunday School in cooperation with the Pastor and Deacons, and in conformity with the principles of the church and to order Sunday School supplies.
Section 6 – Head Usher
A. Election and Tenure
- The Head Usher shall be elected for a term of one year not to succeed himself more than 4 consecutive terms.
B. Duties of the Head Usher
- To secure and direct a sufficient number of ushers to wait upon the people as they worship with their tithes and offerings.
- To welcome and to assist the worshipers in a way which shall enhance the spiritual atmosphere of the service.
- To supervise recording of the attendance at all church services.
Section 7 – Deaconess
A. There shall be one Deaconess for every 50 people with a minimum of two.
B. Duties of the Deaconess
- Responsible for preparing the Sacraments.
- Assist in baptism.
- Make calls as designated by the Pastor.
Article VI: The Pastor
Section 1 – Call of a Pastor
A. The Deacons have the responsibility to invite all candidates according to their discretion.
B. Each visiting candidate shall meet with the church board and will not be presented to the church for a vote unless recommendation is obtained by 3/4’s of the ballots cast by the church board present and voting.
C. No candidate shall be called to the Pastorate by less than a 3/4’s majority of the votes cast on the first ballot by the active members present at the properly called business meeting of the church.
D. Each candidate recommended by the church board to the church members must be settled upon before considering another candidate.
Section 2 – Tenure of Office
A. The tenure of office of Pastor shall be for an indefinite period of time, however, if he is unable to maintain a 3/4’s confidence vote of the church members present at a properly called congregational meeting, his tenure shall be terminated with a 2 months notice. The Pastor may ask to resign, giving a 2 months notice. The notice may be waived by mutual agreement.
B. In case of insubordination or improper conduct, the Pastor shall be brought before the Deacons for consideration. If necessary the Deacons will report the findings to the membership for legislation.
Section 3 – Duties of the Pastor
A. The Pastor shall be moderator of the official board and all church business meetings.
B. Responsible for the spiritual welfare, life and program of the church and various appointments necessary to its well being.
C. An ex-official member of all church boards, committees, departments, and organizations and may be called upon at any time for advisement.
D. Administrator of the ordinances of the church.
E. Responsible for the preaching, teaching, and exposition of the Bible including the promoting of church visitation by the congregation.
F. Make hospital visitation, visiting bereaved, and any and all other necessary calls.
Article VII: Meetings
Section 1
- The fiscal year of this church shall be regarded as from June 1, to May 31, and the Annual Business Meeting shall be held on or about June 1, the date to the determined by the official board and announced to the congregation at the regular Sunday services, two Sundays preceding the said meeting.
Section 2
- A special meeting of the congregation may be constituted a meeting for the transaction of business, providing announcement of said meeting be given from the pulpit at the regular church services on the two Sundays preceding such meeting.
Section 3
- The board shall call a special congregational business meeting upon the written request of ten percent of the members with power to vote – requested meeting and its purpose to be announced and convened within two weeks after filing request with the official board.
Section 4
- A majority vote of the voting members present at any constitutionally called business meeting shall be required for the election of officers, or to render final decision in any matter under consideration, except amendment to this constitution and election of Pastor.
Section 5
- The voting members present at any business meeting called in accordance with the requirements of this constitution, shall be considered a quorum for the transaction of business. No member under 16 years of age shall be allowed to vote.
Section 6
- In the conduct of the business meeting any parliamentary questions not covered by the constitution, shall be decided by the latest edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order”.
Section 7
- In case of an emergency of church property or church affairs, the church board will call an emergency meeting. If voted by a majority it is declared an emergency situation. The board has power to correct said emergency. Section 7 shall supersede Article VII Section 2 and Article V Section 2, b1.
Article VIII: Use of Church Property
Section 1 – Meetings
A. Sanctuary is to be used for the purpose of worshiping the Lord.
B. Basement can be used for community functions as approved by the church board.
Section 2 – Conduct in the Church
- No smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages, rowdiness or use of unchristian language shall be permitted at any time.
Section 3 – Weddings and Receptions
A. Members of the church or non-members in regular attendance are welcome to use the church facilities for both wedding and receptions.
B. Parties desiring use of the church shall confer with the church board concerning arrangements.
C. It is customary to remunerate the caretaker for the necessity of extra services.
Article IX: Raising of Church Funds
Section 1 – Offering
A. The only support of this church shall be by the tithes and free will offerings of the people.
B. No members shall be obliged to pledge but each shall be responsible to the Lord for his stewardship mindful of what the scripture enjoins. Malachi 3: 8; 1 Corinthians 16: 2; II Corinthians 9: 6 – 8.0
Section 2 – Exploitation
A. No promotional means will be permitted to organizations outside of the church using special envelops or banks designed to obtain the names of members of this congregation.
B. No membership, class, or organization rolls of any kind may be given out by officers or members of the church to missionary societies, religious supply houses, sales organizations, school representatives and so forth.
Article X: Amendments
Section 1
- This constitution may be amended by a 2/3’s vote of the voting members present at any regular or special meeting providing the proposed amendment has been made available to the congregation at the church services for the two Sundays preceding said meeting, and providing an exact copy of the proposed amendment has been posted on the church bulletin board on the two Sundays immediately preceding said meeting.
Section 2
- The Doctrinal Statement of this church may not be changed or mended under any conditions unless found to be Biblically supported and/or not Biblically supported and passed by a 3/4’s vote of the church members present at a properly called congregational meeting.